There will be extremely hot years almost everywhere in the world. Already starting in the next few years, according to a new study.
This is explained by a study published on Nature, whose forecasts are not long-term but refer to what will happen between now and 2030.
The high latitudes of the northern hemisphere will suffer the worst consequences. Indeed, it is known that in the Arctic the temperature increase is much faster than the global average.
The analysis is based on historical data relating to greenhouse gas emissions and the commitments undertaken in particular by the nations most responsible for the dispersion of CO2 into the atmosphere. China, the United States, India, and Russia, to which are added the member countries of the European Union.
In this way, it was possible to hypothesize climate warming in each region, from now to the end of the current decade.
The study results indicate that as many as 92 percent of the 165 states considered are expected to experience extremely high temperatures at least every other year. This means that there will be record levels, which normally occur once every hundred years.
The data «underlines the existence of an emergency and shows that global warming is a phenomenon that affects the whole world», explains Alexander Nauels of the non-governmental organization Climate Analytics.
Another merit of the new study is also confirming the responsibilities of the most industrialized areas of the Earth. Indeed, the researchers calculated what the situation would be if the CO2 dispersed since 1991 by these large nations were eliminated from the count. Well, the share of countries forced to face years of extreme temperatures would drop from 92 to 46 percent.
In 1991 was published the first report on the climate of the IPCC, the intergovernmental group of experts on climate change, so it is taken as the reference year. The 1991 document officially underlined for the first time the weight of China, the United States, India, Russia and the European Union in terms of global warming.
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