Amazon rainforest could collapse by 2050

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems on the planet and also one of the most threatened.

A recent study, conducted by the Federal University of Saint Catherine and published on the magazine Nature, reveals that a significant portion of the Amazon may be on the edge of an irreversible change.

The first step of the study was to identify the first five main risk factor. The result is not very surprising: the Amazon rainforest has problems related to the global warming, to the amount of annual rainfall, to their intensity during the rainy season, to the length of the dry season and to the deforestation.

The next step was to identify the tipping points related to the five factors, to figured out the collapse limit. The researchers dicovered that by 2050, the 47% of the forests of the Amazon will be menace by increasing disturbances, risking to overcome the critical point.

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